A collection of useful links on aggression and aggression research:

    1. ADHD within adults - Vom Zappelphilipp zum Fall für die Polizei Aggressotype Partner Prof. Andreas Reif gave an interview in one of the most popular German Newspapaers FAZ shedding light on the topic of ADHD within adults.
      Read the Interview
    2. Mind the Gap is the joint scientific blog of several multicenter projects on developmental psychiatry, funded by the European Union: MiND, Aggressotype, CoCA and is bolstered by the German Center of Developmental Psychiatry, located in Frankfurt am Main as a collaboration between the Departments of Psychiatry, Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (both in Mainz and Frankfurt), the Departments of Clinical Psychology in Mainz and Frankfurt, the Department of Medical Psychology in Frankfurt and the IDEA center in Frankfurt. These projects combine a number of excellent scientists from all over Europe and also the US (please see the individual projects for a detailed list), which here will blog and comment on the latest findings in ADHD, ASD and aggression research. Also related topics will be touched upon, especially mood disorders. In doing so, we hope to create a timely and comprehensive knowledge database on developmental psychiatry that keeps you updated on the hottest research in this exciting field!

      Blog Mind the Gap
    3. ADHD-Europe is a non-profit umbrella organisation comprising 30 parent and/or adult ADHD support associations from 21 European countries. ADHD-Europe advocates for the rights and interests of people affected by ADHD and co-morbid conditions, and raises awareness about ADHD in order to combat ignorance, stigma and intolerance with regard to the condition.

      Website ADHD-Europe
    4. Aggressotype on a dutch popular science TV-show: Dr. Glennon, one of the senior scientists in the Aggressotype team talked about his research in the Dutch popular science TV-show 'Proefkonijnen' on March2, 2015. In a little experiment he and his team tested the presenters for their reactive and instrumental aggression potential using questionnaires, autonomic measures, and a small task. 

      Aggressotype on a dutch popular science TV-show 
      (the scene starts at 4:05-7:08, in Dutch)
    5. Aggressotype researchers unravels the role of testosterone in brain activity to social threat. As published in June 2015 in the prestigious journal Science Advances Karin Roelofs and coworkers found out that testosterone biases the amygdala toward social threat approach. The study shows that testosterone administration increases amygdala response in healthy women during threat approach and decreases it during threat avoidance. These findings support and extend motivational salience models by offering a neuroendocrine meachnism of motivation-specific amygdala tuning.

      Link to Website sciencemag.org