Fundacio Hospital Universitarivall d'Hebron - Institut de Recerca
Project leader

Phone:+34 93 48 94 294
Project Staff
Phone:+34 93 48 94 294
Fax:+34 93 48 94 587
Phone:+34 93 48 94 294
Fax:+34 93 48 94 587
Institute presentation
The Fundació Institut de Recerca of the Hospital Universitari Vall d’Hebron is a public sector institution that promotes and develops innovative biomedical research. The Department of Psychiatry is part of the Neuroscience Area, a section that is leading the translational research at the Institute and is becoming one of the most important clusters of research on neurological and psychiatric disorders across Europe. The Department of Psychiatry, integrated by psychiatrists, clinical pharmacologists, geneticists and statisticians, is a national reference center for ADHD. The group has expertise in clinical evaluation and patient recruitment, has excellent laboratory facilities for genetic studies as well as access to common services at the institution including the Support Unit for Biomedical Research Methodology (USMIB), the Scientific Unit technical Support (UCTS) and the Statistics and Bioinformatics Unit (BSU) that give support to analytical aspects of the different research projects.