University of Zurich
Project leader

Phone:41 (0) 43 499 2763
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Phone:+41 (0) 43 499 2730
Fax:+41 (0) 43 499 2602
Project staff

Phone:+41 (0) 44 499 2650
Fax:+41 (0) 44 578 60 81
Institute presentation
The UZH-CAPS is an integrated University hospital of the University of Zurich (UZH) and one of the largest departments of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry in Europe. UZH belongs to the top 50 organizations evaluated by the FP7 (measured by EC funding 2010). UZH-CAPS takes responsibility for the catchment area of the whole Canton of Zurich and comprises 10 wards for child and adolescent psychiatry and 8 outpatient clinics distributed over the whole Canton. Thus UZH-CAPS provides a wide range of in- and outpatient facilities with general and special expertise for ADHD and conduct disorders. The UZH-CAPS include also a specialized unit for Forensic Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, where we have developed special treatments for delinquent adolescents. The director of CAPS, Susanne Walitza, is responsible for and maintains a research division which is organized into the following research groups: i) Neurobiochemistry Laboratory (NCL), studying childhood and adolescent neuropsychiatric disorders at a cellular and molecular level ii) The Developmental Neuroimaging Unit (DNI) headed by Silvia Brem is specialized in studying development of brain networks in children and adolescents with neuropsychiatric disorders using (f)MRI and EEG (Brainmapping lab (BMU)) headed by Daniel Brandeis. The DNI and BMU will collect and analyse MRI and EEG data to link neuroimaging, neuropsychological and genetic findings. iii) The Neuropsychological Unit (NPU) headed by Renate Drechsler is focussing on ADHD, OCD, and impulsivity phenotypes and is specialized in neuro-biofeedback therapy.